Colchón Visco



The VISCO PREMIER mattress helps relieve pressure and improve blood circulation. Its opencell structure improves ventilation and provides a better night´s sleep


Removable mattress


Stretch and lino fabric


Thermal material that adapts perfectly to the body, with an open cell system that relieves and improves blood pressure.

Stretch Fabric

Highly adaptable elastic fabric, used as a quilting material to provide a cosy, restful sleep.


Thermal material that adapts perfectly to the body, with an open cell system that relieves and improves blood pressure. .

Stretch Fabric

Highly adaptable elastic fabric, used as a quilting material to provide a cosy, restful sleep.

Composition: Layers

  1. Stretch and lino top convering.
  2. Multineedle quilting.

  3. 3D fabric bottom covering.

  4. 6cm. visco-elastic (50Kg).

  5. 12cm froam 828Kg).

  6. 50% polyester/50% cotton core interior covering.

Height: 18+1 centimetre Visco 6cm (50Kg)+ polyurethane 12cm (28Kg) 

See the accessories section for more information on mattress accessories.

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